Routh front exterior
Routh Exterior - right side
Routh Exterior - right side 2
Routh - front door
Routh - exterior living
Routh - exterior living area
Routh pool
Routh pool
Routh outdoor living (evening)
Routh pool at night
Waugh - garage
Waugh home
Waugh home
Waugh home
The Davis home
Langley home
Langley home - view 2
Langley home - view 1
LaDew home - exterior close up
LaDew home - main entrance
LaDew - exterior fireplace
LaDew - detail of paver walkway.
LaDew home - exterior
Ray home
Poole Residence Front Elevation
Poole Sunroom addition
Cranford residence - front elevation
Cranford residence - rear elevation
Cranford - detail of steps & porch
Naron home - front elevation
Naron residence - rear elevation
Mann Residence - front elevation
Helser residence
Mabe home - front elevation
Key Lake House - front elevation
Key Lake house - view from the lake
Jones residence
Jennings residence
Hodges residence
Hite residence
Higgins residence - front elevation
Haney residence
Griffin residence - front elevation
Gopalakrishnan residence - front view
Garrison home - front elevation
Garrison home - rear elevation
Fountain - Patio Kitchen View
Fountain - Balcony Front View
Ducommun residence
Dreblow residence - front elevation
Williams residence
Dough - residence
Dixon residence
Combs residence - front elevation
Coxemoor home
Casper residence - front elevation
Casper residence - rear elevation
Cameron residence
Cameron - garage shop
Breen residence
Calvin White residence
Cahoon residence - front elevation
Bailey residence - front elevation
Yates residence - front elevation
Trollinger - Lake House
Home on Shepherds Way
Sanders residence - front elevation
Ridge residence - front elevation
Preston Hall residence
Waugh Barn/Apartment under construction.
Waugh Barn apartment
Waugh Barn/Apartment Stables
Waugh Barn/Apartment - stables
Waugh Barn/Apartment - stables
Waugh Barn Apartment - stables
Waugh Barn apartment - stable side